Living Life To Turn The Page

Capture one moment everyday "freeze frame" view it from one perspective today and then wait…

Archive for the tag “laughter”

Enjoy the view and make every action count


*My apologies, but I was unable to post on January 1 as expected. Expect a second post before days end. 

There will be days with which struggle is inevitable, the key to winning is “keeping your head in the game.” Successful people are those who never give up. Instead, they implore tools they’ve acquired, and they look at obstacles or roadblocks with an optimistic perspective rather than eyes of defeat.IMG_3928

In life, it can’t always be about winning, because failure or coming up short, is the main ingredient of any success story.

My story of success has been painted with the obvious markings of blood, sweat, and an ample amount of salty tears (mostly my own). I can say with certainty that I’ve never settled; however, I like others have stood in the second best position and chose to use that as my motivation. Moving forward, I will always choose the view ahead of me, I will anticipate obstacles, and I will focus on my goals; without forgetting about or dwelling on what lies behind me. I can always call up and reference my past as needed, but I refuse to allow myself to get stuck or encumbered by my past choices or actions.

Welcome to my “Alpha.”




Luckily…I Married My Best Friend


I may question many things in this life; what I want to be when I grow up, what career am I really suppose to focus on, where should my next vacation be or what should I make for dinner?

However, the one constant, reliable, and thing I know without a doubt, is that “Luckily, I married my best friend.”

Understand that we were not bff’s when we married, nope we grew into those roles over time. See he knows me almost and sometimes better than I know myself. He loves me with his whole-heart, he holds nothing back. He savors our time together as he knows that our days are numbered. He makes me laugh often and most times until I’m in tears. He is patient, loving, kind and understanding; but again he is my best friend, my life partner and my protector.

What man agrees to remarry you every year for the next twelve years…luckily, I’m marrying and remarrying my best friend and it is he who assures me daily that my happiness is his happiness and our happiness is all that matters in our world.

…where my heart lies


I love watching, listening and just being beside my spouse while he sleeps.

Probably, within a year or so after we married we discovered just how important functioning as a team; one unit would be. Early in our marriage we begin working opposite schedules and that scheduled separation lasted over seven of our thirteen years. Of course, this separation taught us to truly value our time together awake and or asleep.

That in no way should cause one to believe that we crowd one another, but totally the opposite…we enjoy spending time together, but also acknowledge and respect that we need time apart (however unlike many wives, I prefer to travel with my spouse) and most times, I prefer his company over anyone else.

I often snap photos of him asleep, because watching him and being near him gives me security and also because in his slumber he reminds me of the innocence and peace you see only in small children…and he is totally lovable!

Self Portrait


Welcome to “The Lovers Month” or as some like to call it…February.

This month my Chapter 2013 Blog Post Pages will focus on love, partnership, connecting, relationship, renewing, laughter, fun time, and sweet kisses…
I will be participating in the #sdms (still dating my spouse) #sdmsphoto photo challenge and my blog post will consist of the days photo and a written commentary on the
relationship aspect I have with my best friend who is also my spouse.

FEBRUARY 1, 2013 Self Portrait

20130201-171949.jpgContrary to popular belief, it isn’t always about being the face out front. I love the idea of giving just enough to leave them thirsting for more.

Create Your Own Happy! Pt 1


Have you ever wondered from where happiness comes, how it begins or why we’re entitled to it? My belief is we must each create our own happy.

Dance with your heart


It is my sincere hope, my desire and my dream to always dance to the beat of my drum. To hear the music playing if only in my head. To allow the beauty of what I hear, what I see and what I feel be passed to those who are unable to move to rhythmic vibrations that grow from deep within the pit of my body causing my pulse to race, my face to flush and my heart to pound until I’m certain that the next beat will cause it leap outside of my chest.

I move as I speak with the integrity of my determination and a belief in tomorrow and your voice is mute to me.

Life Choices


R & R…Forward


Much like this photograph, I can see the reflection of yesterday, whilst keeping a keen purview of what is ahead.

Reflection and Rejuvenation this is what I like to do throughout the month of January.

Getting to, through the holidays and ready to ring in the new year always leave me totally spent?

I believe it is important to reflect on who I was, what I accomplished and where I was in the preceding year, how I left it and why it ended the way it did.

I take care to set aside “me” time to properly rejuvenate my spirit by exercising my mind, body and soul. I make every attempt to disavow negativity, I decline participation “in” and ownership “of.” I monitor what and how I treat this temple for it is the only thing I truly possess. I extend love to my friends, family and also strangers, I do this not only in my actions, but also with my words. I share hope without any expectation or reward.

Each day when I open my eyes, I am thankful. I will choose to be refreshed, to have a new perspective and to share that with those I encounter…Forward is my blessing.

Something to consider…


Post Navigation

Unscripted Shenanigans RV'n

Just US RV’n, wandering and writing our happy story together


Feminist reflections on fitness, sport, and health

The menopause histamine connection

Explaining the link between itching, hot flashes, hormones, and menopause.

Images By Heather M's Blog

Scrapbooking and svg files for Sure Cuts a Lot

Forty Something Parents

The Ins & Outs of Parenting

These are the moments of our lives...

Love, relationships and the things that create our memories


Explore Your Limits

lily bubbles

The greatest of these is LOVE.

I Am Not Defined

Life would be boring if we were all sheep. We need some Zebra's in the herd.


a place to put my thoughts on paper

Ramblin Ann

Accept and Respect everyone as an individual human being. Give love unconditionally. Plan for the future, live for today. Tomorrow is not guaranteed.

Talin Orfali Ghazarian

Don't ever change yourself to impress someone, cause they should be impressed that you don't change to please others -- When you are going through something hard and wonder where God is, always remember that the teacher is always quiet during a test --- Unknown

Know My Worth

Nothing I do, nothing I have done, nothing that has been done to me, impacts my value.


Just another site

Pink Elephants

Live Life Loud!