Living Life To Turn The Page

Capture one moment everyday "freeze frame" view it from one perspective today and then wait…

Archive for the category “Uncategorized”

Just being present…


Just being present…

Are we able to just be present in the life of another individual who may be in need? Not give advice or lend an opinion, but be present without judgment or reprisal. To show compassion, share genuine warmth, to lean in and make that moment count as a memory not matter how long or short the remaining time may be.

How many moments have you allowed to slip by without being present…today, I challenge you as well as myself to “just be present” I believe you will appreciate what comes from being authentically involved in the present moment thus creating a memory for a lifetime of sharing.



Yes Virginia, it does take a village…


So true, why would one life have more value than another…social or economic status? Where are the minds that fashioned “it takes a village?”

Service in your community is how one opens their eyes and heart to the plight and struggles of those less fortunate. Service is nice when performed with family and friends, but when done quietly alone can mean the difference between “aha” and merely filling in the blanks.

“Service is the rent we pay to be living. It is the very purpose of life and not something you do in your spare time.” Marian Wright Edelman

I recall the feeling of connectedness I felt w/ the above quote the first time I read it “if not me, than who?” I still ask this question of myself. Knowing that I was born to be a “helper” a tasking that I’ve never shied away from will always be at the core of who I am as a human being and I’m pleased to see and share that same spirit of community with my daughter; who has devoted herself to understanding and assisting those in economically challenging situations.

Yes, it does take a village to fortify the walls of a community, each had contributes something of value when open and giving. What will your contribution be in your community and the life of others?

This kiss

20130205-134010.jpgThis kiss is from a moment, not a moment of chance, but a moment of choice. This kiss is shared by two, united in love, never questioning and always trusting. This kiss is about strength, compromise and a willingness to expand horizons. This kiss is a representation of who we are and how we will get there together…hand in hand.

This kiss was perfect, because it was shared with you.

Self Portrait


Welcome to “The Lovers Month” or as some like to call it…February.

This month my Chapter 2013 Blog Post Pages will focus on love, partnership, connecting, relationship, renewing, laughter, fun time, and sweet kisses…
I will be participating in the #sdms (still dating my spouse) #sdmsphoto photo challenge and my blog post will consist of the days photo and a written commentary on the
relationship aspect I have with my best friend who is also my spouse.

FEBRUARY 1, 2013 Self Portrait

20130201-171949.jpgContrary to popular belief, it isn’t always about being the face out front. I love the idea of giving just enough to leave them thirsting for more.

Life Happens…but this is just a delay. right?


Today has beenI would rate today a…Truthfully, I cannot even begin to share the colossal nightmare I have experienced today!  I have an interview tomorrow/today, just depends on when this finally post and when you are reading it. Of course, you are thinking that if I spent my day preparing I must be a procrastinator  but that is not the case.

I swear, it isn’t my fault! 

So, I received a call on Sunday for an interview scheduled for Tuesday 9am…what was I thinking? To make it even more interesting, I found out that I needed to bring a “prepared writing sample” (sweating like a pig over fire pit)! I have nothing, nothing, nothing, NOTHING!…wait that is not EXACTLY true. I have nothing that I want to use as my last writing sample FAILED to land me the job, thus I deemed it not to be an acceptable writing sample.

So, I have  spent a good portion of my day going MAD and have not had time to properly prepare a blog for today…So you get LIFE HAPPENS.


A friend of mine offered this gem of a RAINBOW this evening that at least “I” actually get call backs (interviews) from applications I submit 4/5 NOT TOO BAD, RIGHT…I guess that’s one way to view the glass half full rather than half empty. LOL However, I feel more like “always a bridesmaid and NOT a bride” to be more befitting.

Anyhoo, Wish me luck! Oh, and I did actually receive some really awesome news today and that news requires that I find a well paying job PDQ!

Chapter 2013 page 11 of 365

…today I’m borrowing words from someone else, not because I fell of between days 8-10 (that’s something I’ll share later). But because it took me reading this to actually realize that all needed was…FOCUS!

OOPS and OOPS I DID IT…again!


Life always begins with good intentions, right? Everyone starts their day with the intention of doing or being good… right? Well, that’s my belief.

This is all fine and good, but there is one problem, LIFE never stops to ask us about our plans for the day and that my friend lies the “rub.”When I woke…correction, I did not sleep, so therefore technically I never woke, I just started my day a very, very long day. Well, my day began w/ me telephoning Dell at 0140, out pc issues and a PowerPoint Presentation that I needed to complete…tick, tick, tick.

The call lasted 2 hours and 48 minutes and cost me $239.00 remember project due…tick, tick, tick. Of course, the issue never occurred while the technician was controlling my pc, however it (the issue) has been reeking havoc on me since Monday and now it’s Wednesday and I’ve nearly gone mad!.

There are at least fifty other things I could share as to why my day lasted so long, thus me failing (OOPS) to write/post my Chapter 2013 Page 7 of 365

So, please accept my apologies…as my battery ran out!

Testing, testing…

Just a test, to see if the world is truly where I expected it would be.


I listen to books and I love it!

Once upon a time I was an avid reader and then I grew up and went off to college, got a job, had children, got married (not necessarily in this order, but you get my point), and the list goes on and on. During my college years, the only thing I had time to read was text books, journals, research papers and revised researched papers. It was two years before I realized that I could read for pleasure again.

Finding time to really just enjoy and curl up with a good book was….a never ending quest, as you stated I too found myself reading and re-reading the same pages over and over again with little comprehension. When I learned about I was instantly hooked. My first audible book was “Things I Want My Daughters to Know” a book that my daughter was reading and suggested I read as well. My three favorite books thus far have been “The Help” The Shack and “The Necklace”.” My least favorite audible purchase has been I so enjoy having someone read to me and when I am truly taken with a book I purchase it for my own library.

I am a jewelry designer and a wife, I have found that I get more accomplished listening to a book, than music sometimes. I listen while I drive (I never listen to my car radio), while I grocery shop, workout and before going to bed (kudo’s to audible for adding the sleep timer).

I recall having a similar conversation with my daughter about audible vs.reading, she is very much opposed to listening to books (although she does a daily commute of 100 miles between home and work). Imagine the books that she could devour if she used audible. She knits another time with which she could listen and do crafts. I guess the end result is this to each his own. I still enjoy holding a book, but I just cannot make the time for it often or regularly, but with I can enjoy a book, creating and or other duties as needed.


Shoes, damn those shoes

I often use shoes as analogy when describing relationships with men. I find that (men) like shoes you can own several, but really only love a few. Then you find, that there is that one particular pair that just makes all the others, pale in comparison. I have a pair like that…shoes I mean, but I’m saving that tale until we reach the end of this story.

I know women who can’t walk pass a shoe store without sliding their foot in (the door that is), admiring how they look and feel on her feet (the shoes, not the man) and finally ringing that purchase up (albeit swearing never to do it again) as they stroll out the door with that new pair tightly in their grip.

These women have stacks and stacks of beautiful shoe boxes in their closets. All of various colors, styles, and designer names arranged in alphabetical order no doubt. They stand in admiration looking at their shoes proud of their purchases. Of course they know that they can no more wear every pair of shoes stacked in that closet than they can try on every man that they meet, but trust me that neither stops them from buying or trying them on for size (shoes or the men).

Me personally, I have never been a fancy shoe girl. I was just your average sneaker girl. First it was NIKE, I was young inexperienced and they were hot! Then came Saucony, I liked the way that they felt, how they made me feel and of course how fast they made me come ( I meant… go). No longer a runner I walk (it’s my sunset era) I am drawn to New Balance they are reliable, comfortable and provide a great amount of support and satisfaction.

Each sneaker had their moment in the sun and they did their job well, but alas their was always another (ahem sneaker) waiting in the wings, waiting to do it better. Damn, did I just describe my running shoes, cuz it feels as if I might be describing my past lovers.
Ahhh, but I digress… back to the shoes.

That was until recently! Out of nowhere without any warning, I began to have…shall we say more of affinity for them “the fancy shoe.” I have found that I like em’ high, with a flair of classic style, just a hint of sex appeal and especially those of the “RED” persuasion and if you’d like to see me pulse quicken add a silver stiletto heel (what girl could resist it). I cannot pinpoint when or why this lustful period of my life begin, maybe, just maybe I was lacking something and found that a particular fancy shoe filled the need.

Truth be told I should be embarrassed to tell you how frequently I prowl the internet browsing site, after site, after site searching for that perfect “fancy shoe.” Personally, I love a classic pump with a full, yet sleek alluring body and I’m learning that I am falling fast for the “mischievous” peep toe pump, which are in my opinion sinfully sexy and perfect for seduction.

My most recent infatuation resulted in a soft coal black suede pump and a devilish vibrant crimson peep toe platform. After peering through wide eyes and pondering…should I or should I not, I contemplated no more, I purchased em both and lived happilyeverafter!

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Unscripted Shenanigans RV'n

Just US RV’n, wandering and writing our happy story together


Feminist reflections on fitness, sport, and health

The menopause histamine connection

Explaining the link between itching, hot flashes, hormones, and menopause.

Images By Heather M's Blog

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Forty Something Parents

The Ins & Outs of Parenting

These are the moments of our lives...

Love, relationships and the things that create our memories


Explore Your Limits

lily bubbles

The greatest of these is LOVE.

I Am Not Defined

Life would be boring if we were all sheep. We need some Zebra's in the herd.


a place to put my thoughts on paper

Ramblin Ann

Accept and Respect everyone as an individual human being. Give love unconditionally. Plan for the future, live for today. Tomorrow is not guaranteed.

Talin Orfali Ghazarian

Don't ever change yourself to impress someone, cause they should be impressed that you don't change to please others -- When you are going through something hard and wonder where God is, always remember that the teacher is always quiet during a test --- Unknown

Know My Worth

Nothing I do, nothing I have done, nothing that has been done to me, impacts my value.


Just another site

Pink Elephants

Live Life Loud!