Living Life To Turn The Page

Capture one moment everyday "freeze frame" view it from one perspective today and then wait…

Archive for the category “friend”

A second look…

Prelude -I decided to re-share a blog post from the pages of my 2013 journey. It is not very often that I return to writings from past years and whether I stumbled across this or it fell into my lap it was fitting and worth a review and share.


Never be afraid to bring something that does not fulfill, strengthen or empower you to a close. Don’t sit by and allow yourself to be drained empty, close that chapter and start anew.

There are far too many of us selling ourselves short by staying in unfulfilled relationships, at dead end jobs, nurturing associations that are one sided, keeping silent at your own expense, or _______ (fill in the blank) and these are the very things that will pull us under as we continue to be slapped around repeatedly by endless tides.

Please, don’t misunderstand me this isn’t supposed to be easy, anything worth effort rarely is and, after all, you’ve built “it” up, made “it” bigger than life, given “it” your power…ask yourself, really is the “it” all that?

If life is to be lived without regret than you mimageust at some point be willing to fly without a parachute, without a safety net. Go ahead, take a deep breath, jump off the high dive and yes, you should expect to get wet, drenched, maybe even swallow a gallon or more. However, if you’re willing to fight, kick and kick some more…you will survive. And that is the point of it all.

Be the Phoenix in the flame, the heroine of your story, the role model instead of the model, you are your story. All that is required now is for you believe in you!

Take the next step…Forward!

Enjoy the view and make every action count


*My apologies, but I was unable to post on January 1 as expected. Expect a second post before days end. 

There will be days with which struggle is inevitable, the key to winning is “keeping your head in the game.” Successful people are those who never give up. Instead, they implore tools they’ve acquired, and they look at obstacles or roadblocks with an optimistic perspective rather than eyes of defeat.IMG_3928

In life, it can’t always be about winning, because failure or coming up short, is the main ingredient of any success story.

My story of success has been painted with the obvious markings of blood, sweat, and an ample amount of salty tears (mostly my own). I can say with certainty that I’ve never settled; however, I like others have stood in the second best position and chose to use that as my motivation. Moving forward, I will always choose the view ahead of me, I will anticipate obstacles, and I will focus on my goals; without forgetting about or dwelling on what lies behind me. I can always call up and reference my past as needed, but I refuse to allow myself to get stuck or encumbered by my past choices or actions.

Welcome to my “Alpha.”




…where my heart lies


I love watching, listening and just being beside my spouse while he sleeps.

Probably, within a year or so after we married we discovered just how important functioning as a team; one unit would be. Early in our marriage we begin working opposite schedules and that scheduled separation lasted over seven of our thirteen years. Of course, this separation taught us to truly value our time together awake and or asleep.

That in no way should cause one to believe that we crowd one another, but totally the opposite…we enjoy spending time together, but also acknowledge and respect that we need time apart (however unlike many wives, I prefer to travel with my spouse) and most times, I prefer his company over anyone else.

I often snap photos of him asleep, because watching him and being near him gives me security and also because in his slumber he reminds me of the innocence and peace you see only in small children…and he is totally lovable!

Knowing and Doing


There is truth in this sentiment and I am not afraid to admit it, I am still learning everyday. I am learning about the world, the people I encounter and of course myself.

Before I was a woman, I was a girl. I laughed, I cried, I wished and I believed. When I be came a woman, I laughed, I cried, I wished and I believed. As a mother I have failed, I’ve fallen, I’ve nurtured, I’ve taught, I’ve learned, but most of all I have passed it on.

The world extends a lesson to me everyday that I am blessed to open my eyes. People I have encountered have taught me to look behind the mask they initially choose to display as it is rarely who or what they truly are. Learning about myself is a never ending task, opportunity and adventure.

Something to consider…


The right direction ❤


I personally find performing “Random Acts of Kindness” empowering, because the act of giving something without any expectations has led me to amazing gifts.

When thinking about what you have to share or give, look inward first.

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