Living Life To Turn The Page

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Scar Tissue Never Really Goes Away…

I saw this quote and instantly the words struck a cord within me. I find it funny peculiar how the universe times things to show up at just the right instance, for me this was one of those. 20130122-234009.jpg

HURT…remains long after the wound has recovered, even after the pain is no more and the actions have long passed on being only a faint memory to those involved. However, there is always someone for whom this “scar tissue” remains as it is never truly gone away.

Long beyond the recovered abrasions, the insistent and aching pain, the memory of the malignant words, the actions and the intentional hurt of a particular moment remains as keen and clear as the day it occurred.


Protected by my mind, yet driven by my heart; I choose to speak the words upon my heart and smirk at people who toss random quotes of “forgiveness” at me. Replying in my sugar sweet manner…”forgiveness ain’t for everyone.” In my world forgiveness begins with sincerity, stemming from acknowledgement of having committed a wrong…a hurt.

*Forgiveness is a growth of positivity established, earned and shared between the parties involved.

There are moments in life “once in a life time” moments that can never be relived, never again enjoyed, never savored in their truest form of love and bliss. It is these such moments that when ruined by the shear pettiness of others that I refuse to extend my heart in forgiveness and that’s a decision that I can live with.


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2 thoughts on “Scar Tissue Never Really Goes Away…

  1. Crystal on said:

    This is so deep, that I find myself returning to it over and over again. This expresses something I have always felt but would never know how to word or explain to someone else.

    • Thank you Crystal…kindred spirit. It’s funny that people seem to think you stand still in time, because someone hurts you and that forgiveness is the only way you’re able to move forward.
      IMO, you’ve made the bed, now lay in it and trust that I’ll still skip, smell the roses and watch sunsets.

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